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What Is USPS ISC New York NY?  - In: USPS

In : USPS Comments : 0 Author : parcelwisdom Date : 25 Jun 2024

If you frequently ship and receive packages internationally, you might come across the message “processing through USPS ISC New York.” This notification often confuses people who are unfamiliar with the term.

ISC stands for “International Service Center.” When you see “processing through USPS ISC New York,” it means your package is being processed by customs.

This notification can raise several questions: Why is my package in ISC New York, NY? Is there something wrong with your package? When will you receive it?

In this article, we will answer all these questions. You’ll learn exactly what “ISC New York NY USPS” means. Let’s dive in.

What does USPS ISC New York Mean? 

People who ship and receive packages internationally often see the notification “processed at the USPS ISC New York facility,” indicating that their package is at U.S. Customs.

The abbreviation “ISC New York” stands for “International Service Center New York.” This facility functions as a sorting hub, managing all packages and mail entering and leaving the United States for the USPS.

Whenever a parcel is sent for international delivery, whether entering or leaving the country, it first goes to customs for inspection. After this, the package proceeds to its final delivery destination.

U.S. Customs officials ensure that every package or mail item is good to proceed, whether it’s going overseas or coming from overseas.

What does USPS ISC New York Mean

Every package or mail item is handled differently depending on various factors, including:

  • Where the package is going
  • How the package has been declared
  • The package’s size and weight
  • Details of the package, including any additional services

This inspection process can take a day or two. Once the package is confirmed as safe, it is sent towards its destination.

Why is my package in ISC New York, NY?

Packages from overseas don’t go directly to recipients. Whenever packages or mail come into the United States from another country, they must first go through U.S. Customs. The international shipping process is more complex than it may seem.

There are some rules and regulations that all the businesses have to follow. Additionally, carriers have to comply with federal laws regarding which items are allowed to be shipped and which are not. 

U.S. Customs is responsible for enforcing these rules, regulations, and laws. They inspect every piece of mail and approve it for clearance. U.S. Customs officials take their inspection tasks seriously.

Therefore, a package in ISC New York, NY, simply means that every package entering the U.S. from overseas goes through inspection in New York City.

The same process occurs with packages shipped to other countries. Every country ensures that no illegal items enter their borders. Customs officials work diligently to stop suspicious or dangerous shipments.

What’s Wrong with My Package That’s Been Processed in ISC?

U.S. Customs does not inspect all packages and mail by opening them. They usually use scanning machines to ensure that every package meets the rules and regulations. It takes less time to scan packages with a machine, and customs officials are attentive in scanning each package carefully.

However, there are certain reasons why they may need to inspect a package more thoroughly. Sometimes, they have to open a package to ensure it is safe to enter the country. After opening the package, they seal it with U.S. Customs tape and leave a note on it.

What’s Wrong with My Package That’s Been Processed in ISC

The following reasons may prompt customs to open a parcel:

  • Oversized and irregularly shaped packages
  • Incomplete package paperwork
  • Scanned prohibited item by automated security scanner
  • Unpaid taxes or fees

If you are more concerned about your package and want it inspected more thoroughly, a U.S. Customs agent can do it. The package is handled by representatives in the ISC. 

How Long Does a Package stay in ISC? 

The exact processing time for a package through the ISC in New York City is not confirmed. Some mail takes a few days, while others may take even less time. Larger packages can take three to four days or even longer.

Receiving packages or mail on time is not always easy; delays can occur due to the large volume of packages, and sometimes the process slows down due to technical issues. Many factors can cause long delays.

Some people report that their packages are delayed for months. There’s often hustle and bustle in the facility, and packages or mail can get lost in the shuffle, which takes time to resolve before they are sent to their destination.

What to Do if my Package gets stuck at the ISC?

As mentioned above, it’s not confirmed how long your package may take to process through ISC New York, NY. However, you might think that your package is stuck in the ISC.

Patience is a key, so you should wait for a week or two. The process might be slower, which is why it takes time. If you have waited for a long time, you should reach out to USPS support to understand why you haven’t received your package yet.

What to Do if my Package gets stuck at the ISC

They will try to contact ISC and inform you, but if your package is held for further examination, USPS can’t do anything. You have to wait for your package until the inspection is complete.

Once they are done, they’ll update the tracking information of your package’s whereabouts, so keep checking your tracking information.

Instead of being frustrated, you should reach USPS to get information about your package. They will connect you with representatives at the ISC, allowing you to ask them directly.

How will I know if my package is on the move again?

You will get an update on your tracking number when your package will leave ISC New York. The tracking status will update as “Package has departed USPS ISC New York, NY”. 

You will see your tracking information has changed the status and moving again to reach its destination. Keep checking your tracking status so you will get updates about your package. 


How long do packages or mail stay at ISC New York? 

Some mail takes 3 to 4 days while larger packages take longer. Some packages complete inspection in a few weeks; some take even months.

How to get your package sorted quickly from ISC?

There is no way except to follow the rules and regulations for sending packages overseas. Otherwise, it will get stuck and cause trouble for you. 

What should I do if my package is stuck at ISC?

If your package is stuck at ISC, contacting USPS can be helpful. They will get an update about your package or redirect you to a representative who can assist you.


In conclusion, ISC New York processes international packages by customs before delivery. Processing times can vary, so it’s important to be patient and regularly check tracking updates. If you suspect delays, contacting USPS for more information can provide clarity and assistance.

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